Extraordinary Objects Team Up with CCA Charity
We are delighted to announce our new partnership with the brilliant Cambridge Community Arts; a local charity that believes taking part in creative activities is vital and improves our mental health.
CCA offer creative courses in the community that welcome adults with experience of mental health challenges or who feel socially excluded for other reasons. Learners who take their courses develop their art form skills and report improved confidence, mental health, and self-esteem, increased social connections and sense of community, all the while having a lot of fun!
“Having both experienced mental health difficulties, and how isolating they can be, James and I are acutely aware of the positive affect creativity can have on our wellbeing. Self-expression of whatever kind promotes a sense of connectedness and emotional release and it’s no exaggeration to say that our lives and wellbeing have been transformed by embracing creative opportunities. We recommend everyone makes something; music, cakes, art, poetry, a journal, a mess, it doesn’t really matter what it is, the chances are you’ll feel better for it.”
Whether it’s the visual arts, music, theatre, dance or poetry, we are firm believers that the arts can help those struggling with their mental health. Each platform offers a creative form of expression, relaxation, mindfulness as well as providing a strong sense of community.
We look forward to collaborating with CCA. Watch this space for upcoming events.
Find out more by visiting www.camcommarts.org.uk
Twitter @camcreate
Instagram @camcommarts
Facebook @cambridgecommunityarts