Some Of My Best Friends Are Dinosaurs Launch Night

Friday 1 July saw the Private View Launch of our highly anticipated exhibition Some Of My Best Friends Are Dinosaurs; an exhibition of Natural History and Contemporary Art curated by The Connor Brothers.

View images of the night below. Thank you to all who celebrated with us. We hope you enjoyed the collection as much as we did curating it.

Extraordinary Objects Director Carla Nizzola

Mike Snelle of The Connor Brothers

James Golding of The Connor Brothers

The Connor Brothers with Tracey the 68-million-year-old Triceratops skull

Some Of My Best Friends Are Dinosaurs is now open until 2 October 2022.
Wed -Sun 12-5 pm
Extraordinary Objects Gallery | 14 Green St | Cambridge | CB2 3JU

Click here to view the collection of rare fossils and minerals.

With thanks to Keith Heppell for the images.

Carla Nizzola