The arrival of Tracey; the 68-million-year-old Triceratops skull

Thursday 9 June saw the long awaited arrival of the Extraordinary Objects’ Triceratops skull, Tracey, at the Gallery on 14 Green St, Cambridge.

Weighing over 900 pounds in her crate, Tracey was slowly revealed to passers-by in the van she arrived in. After many hours unloading with a team of experts over the cobbled streets of Cambridge, she made it through the gallery doors.

View Tracey’s arrival below.

Mike Snelle of The Connor Brothers (left) helps unload the crate

Tracey wasn’t the only fossil being delivered….

‘Horn of Plenty’: Tracey makes news in The Daily Telegraph

Tracey is one of the many extraordinary fossils on display in our upcoming show ‘Some Of My Best Friends Are Dinosaurs’, curated by The Connor Brothers:

2 July - 2 Oct 2022
Private View Friday 1 July 6-9 PM

Click here to read more abut the upcoming show.

After two years in the making, this exhibition is a labour of love. Huge thanks to all involved who made this possible 🦖

Carla Nizzola